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  • Aion Timetrepreneur

Are You Living an Urgent Life or an Important Life?

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

There are moments throughout our lives, every single day, where we believe we would be something greater It might be a burst of inspiration for that book we always wanted to write (like. Or the longing to finally lose the extra weight. Or the feeling of dissatisfaction with our job and the urge to build something of our own. These are important desires and they call us all the time. But just before we respond to their call, the urgency of life tends to get in the way.

How do we get over this?

The Next 10 Years of Your Life

Think about this: you're going to be doing something over the next 10 years.

Too often something responds to what's urgent, rather than pursuing what's important.

Too often the (urgent) need to make money wins over the desire to build something (important) of which we are proud. All too often the urge to find a way to lose twenty pounds in six (urgent) weeks wins over becoming the type of person who doesn't miss (important) workouts. Too often the desire to be noticed or appreciated (urgent) wins over the ability to be present and (important) satisfied.

Certainly, we all need the money. And yes, there are times when the environment demands that we place important things on hold so we can get it.

Want to wait a year? 5 Years? All your life?

All too often we live our lives on the basis of what is important for us and not what matters to us. Spending years constantly chasing the next urgent issue, and never setting aside time to do what we think we should. This is going to be the greatest regret in your life.

How to Overcome the Urgency of Everyday Life

We need to choose a clear direction for ourselves and follow it through.

We should ignore the UNIMPORTANT urgent tasks each day — a phone calls random emails we need to respond to etc...

By having a clear purpose and goals allow us to focus on what matters. A specific goal gives us direction and prevents us from wasting time. Don't focus on our desires and wants. Instead of wanting to own a business - thats desire. Going to register the business and preparing for the launch, that's a specific goal.

Live an Important Life

The worthy task never seems urgent, they are important because they are never urgent random tasks to do. They require a sense of purpose, a clear direction and the hard mindset to make it work. Now pick one thing that's important and set a goal for yourself to be done within today.

Just do it. Fulfil your dreams today.

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