1. They go out of their comfort zone frequently
Very little grows in your 'comfort zone'. You have to be willing to take risks in order to improve and fulfill your potential. Everything that you haven't done before or that you don't find easy should be framed as a learning opportunity.
2. They measure their progress so that they can improve
You can be working extremely hard but unless you have a way to measure your progress you may very well be missing the mark and may only realise very late!
The benefit of measuring your progress in everything from work to personal development to health is twofold. It can motivate you to strive for more and it can guide you in the right direction.
Don't be afraid to seek feedback and (constructive) criticism from others as well!
3. They go against the grain instead of always following the norm
This goes hand-in-hand with getting out of your comfort zone. It's easy to feel as though following the crowd is the safest way to go, but it's often those who take calculated risks that reap the most reward.
Sometimes the better option is the safer option, but if your main reason for choosing something is that everyone else has chosen it, then think twice!
5. They learn from the successes and mistakes of others
No-one expects you to find out all the answers yourself.
Reading books and blogs, and taking courses are some great ways to start learning from other people's journeys. Why learn things from scratch or make the same mistakes?
6. They don't waste time caring about what everyone else thinks
This might seem slightly contradictory to the previous tip, but there's a key difference - whose opinion you care about.
You shouldn't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from.
Don't let your actions be dictated solely by baseless opinions, learn to sort out the constructive criticism from the noise.
7. They take action instead of just thinking about it
How often do we daydream, or chat to our friends about all the things we plan to do instead of just doing them?
More often than not, the hardest step of all is starting, whether it's setting up a business, starting an essay, or making that important phonecall.
Overthinking doesn't produce results!
8. They use daily affirmations or mantras
This may not be everyone's cup of tea but also does no harm, so shouldn't be knocked until it's been tried!
Using affirmations doesn't necessarily mean saying "I'm awesome" every morning in front of the mirror while you're brushing your teeth.
It can be any short piece of encouragement, a quote or saying that you personally believe will benefit you most. You'll be surprised how helpful it can be.
9. They focus on goal-oriented tasks
Surely everything we do has a goal, right?
But does everything you do align with your personal goals? Do you even have a clear idea of what your goals are? Sometimes setting a goal for things that you may not have considered to need one can help you achieve more than you thought possible.
Next time you set out your tasks for the day, have a think about how they fit into the bigger picture.
10. They surround themselves with successful people
It's said that you are the sum of your influences. Having people around you that you can look up to builds an environment of positivity and healthy competition.
This isn't to say you should distance yourself from people you deem to be 'unsuccessful', but rather that you shouldn't feel intimated by people who are 'better' than you, because there is probably a lot you can learn from them.